Your Source for All Types of Commercial Signage

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Wide Selection of Custom Business Signs for all Types of Companies

Victoria Signs is your one-stop shop for impactful signage solutions in Victoria. From eye-catching outdoor signs and banners to sleek interior displays, we help businesses of all sizes achieve their brand and promotional goals.

We believe every business deserves a sign that makes a statement. A well-designed sign can be the key to attracting new customers – a FedEx Office study revealed that 76% of people have entered a new store simply because of its attractive signage!

Whether you’re managing a bar (looking for those perfect bar signs?), a restaurant (restaurant signs that make mouths water!), a construction site (high-impact construction signs to grab attention), or a church (beautiful church signs to welcome your congregation), our team creates bold, professional signage  that will ensure you stand out from the competition.

Types of Business Signs

Just like businesses themselves, signage comes in all shapes and sizes. Choosing the right type depends on your location, goals, and message. Need something tough to withstand the elements? We’ve got weather-resistant outdoor signs. Promoting a special event? Our vibrant printed vinyl banners shout it loud and clear. Light up your brand with illuminated signs featuring your logo. Even product displays find their perfect platform with our custom stands.

Victoria Signs offers the full spectrum of signage solutions to ensure your message reaches the right audience. But remember, the most important ingredient? A trusted sign company with a proven track record of creating top-quality custom signage for businesses in Victoria.

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The Cost of a Business Sign

How Much Does a Sign Cost? It Depends.

We understand this can be a frustrating answer, but sign pricing truly depends on your specific needs. Material costs vary widely, and so does the labor involved in production and installation.

However, we can offer some ballpark figures to help with budgeting.  A wall or window sign made from printed vinyl typically falls within a few hundred dollars, depending on size. On the other hand, illuminated channel letters for outdoor use can reach several thousand dollars.

Ultimately, the best choice hinges on your budget.  That’s why Victoria Signs recommends scheduling a consultation early on. Our team can assess your needs and recommend the perfect custom signage solution for Victoria that fits your budget.

Time Required to Create Your Corporate Signs

The wait for your new signage depends on what you have in mind.  Need a quick turnaround? Simple printed signs can be ready in 5-7 business days after finalizing the artwork. Perfect for temporary promotions or those on a tight schedule.

Going for a grand entrance?  Larger, custom signs like fabricated aluminum take more time to craft, but the impact is unbeatable!

The key to a smooth process, no matter your timeline, is getting us involved early.  Victoria Signs can help you navigate the options and ensure your signage makes a lasting impression.

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What Makes a Good Fascia Sign?

Congratulations on securing your new property! Now’s the perfect time to build anticipation with a showstopping commercial sign.  Here at Victoria Signs, we know a well-designed sign is more than just decoration – it’s a powerful marketing tool.

Key Tips for Winning Retail Store Signs:

Read It Loud and Clear: Don’t sacrifice readability for fancy fonts. Your sign needs to be easily understood by potential customers driving or walking by.
Color Psychology: Colors have a big impact! Choose a palette that reflects your brand and evokes the right emotions. Our experienced designers can help you unlock the power of color theory.
High Contrast, High Impact: For maximum visibility, pair contrasting colors – dark backgrounds with light text or vice versa. Outlining your logo or letters also boosts readability.
Go Big or Go Home: Size matters, especially for business signs! Bigger signs are easier to see from a distance. A good rule of thumb: 10 feet of viewing distance for each inch of letter height. Aim for a sign that meets local regulations and gets you noticed.
Stand Out From the Crowd: Don’t blend in with neighboring businesses! If everyone has a non-illuminated sign, light yours up. If they use a specific color scheme, choose a contrasting one.
Embrace Your Brand Personality: Infuse your brand’s unique style into your sign design. Our team can create a memorable sign that reflects your company’s essence and sparks customer interest.